Do I need an account to make an order?
      Signing up for an account is not necessary; however, doing so keeps you updated with your order history and tracking information, as well as our newsletter and special promotions when they become available. We often have promotions that are specifically for “followers” and registered users.
Returns & Exchanges
What is your return/exchange policy?
      The site will gladly accept any full-priced, non-“Release Product” items for exchange or store credit within a few days of receipt. We do not offer refunds. Items being returned must be in unworn condition with attached tags and packaging. The site will not accept any returned merchandise without prior written communication and a valid Return Authorization. All sale items, discounted merchandise and items marked as “Release Product” are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged. The site does not assume any responsibility for lost or damaged returned goods while in transit from the customer. Therefore, we strongly recommend that customers use an appropriate carrier with a tracking system.
      In the event of a ‘Release Product’ order returning back to sender due to an incomplete, invalid address or refused upon delivery, the customer will be contacted immediately and a postage fee will be applied for the cost of re-shipping, no Exceptions. If the customer cannot be contacted or chooses not to pay the required re-shipping postage, the site reserves the right to consider the order abandoned and a 25% restocking fee will be applied towards the Store Credit issued.